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The Best Lures for Catching Musky in Clear Water

Musky fishing is an exciting, challenging sport. It involves the use of lures that act like real-life baitfish, the small fish that musky are known to feed on. But the type of lure you use is important, especially if you’re fishing in clear water. Choosing the wrong lures can leave you with empty handed and a long day out on the water. To make sure you’re using the best lures for catching musky in clear water, read on to learn about the top lures for this type of fishing.

Choosing the Right Lure

When fishing for musky in clear water, the best way to catch them is to use the right bait. There are many types of lures available for musky fishing and choosing the right one for clear water can be intimidating. It is important to understand the behavior of musky, the type of water you are fishing in and the type of bait that works best. In this article, we will explore the best lures for catching musky in clear water.

Understanding Musky Behavior

Before you choose the right bait for musky fishing, it is important to understand the behavior of musky. Musky tend to be aggressive predators which means they will hunt for their food. They feed during the day and prefer baitfish, such as shiners, chubs and perch. They also like to ambush their prey, so they like to hide out in cover and wait for their prey to come to them. Knowing these aspects of musky behavior will help you to choose the right lure for musky fishing in clear water.

Choosing the Right Lure

When choosing the right lure for musky fishing in clear water, you should consider factors such as size, action and vibration. A larger lure will be visible to musky from a greater distance and create more disturbance in the water. A fast-moving lure will be more likely to trigger a strike from an aggressive musky. A lure with a good vibration and loud rattle will attract nearby musky, even if they can’t see your lure. Popular lures for clear water musky include crankbaits, topwater lures, spoons and swimbaits.

Using the Right Technique for Clear Water Musky Fishing

Once you have chosen the right lure for clear water musky fishing, the next step is to use the proper technique. You should always cast your lure as far as you can and keep it in constant motion as it moves through the water. Vary the retrieve speed and pattern to find the right rhythm that will trigger a strike. Pay attention to the water’s depth and structure to target the most active musky.

Fishing with the Right Weather Conditions

The type of weather conditions you are fishing in can also make a difference in the success of your musky fishing trip. Warmer temperatures will usually make the musky more active and easier to catch. You should also pay attention to any changes in the amount of sunlight, such as clouds or fog that could help to make the musky more active.

By understanding musky behavior, choosing the right lure and using the right technique, you can increase your chances of catching musky in clear water. Pay attention to the weather conditions, as well, to further increase your chance of a successful musky fishing trip.

Picking the Best Color Combinations

When fishing for musky in clear water, picking the best lure colors is essential for a successful day out on the water. It can be daunting to try and decide which colors will get the attention of a musky, but with a few considerations you’ll be able to find the perfect lure.

The Effects of Color in Clear Water

The color of your lure can make all the difference in clear water. You’ll need to choose colors that will stand out against the natural background of the lake or river. Lures that are too similar in color to their surroundings will blend in and will be hard for a musky to spot. While dark colors are great for murky water, you’ll want to use more bright and subtle colors to catch the attention of a musky in clear water.

Fluorescent Colors and Color Contrast

One of the best choices you can make when choosing a lure color is to go with fluorescent or neon colors. These colors won’t match the natural colors of the lake, which means they won’t blend in and will be more visible to a hungry musky. Additionally, you should also opt for lures that have some color contrast. For example, a lure that has black, white, and bright red or yellow stripes will be much more visible than a lure that’s just a single color.

Shimmer and Shine

In addition to choosing the right colors, you’ll also want to look for lures that have an eye-catching shimmer and shine. Musky are drawn to shiny objects and having some extra sparkle on your lure can be just the thing to draw a strike. Metallics, glitter, and other reflective materials are all great options for lures and will make them stand out in clear water.

Trying Out Different Color Combinations

When lures fishing for musky, you may have to try out a few different color combinations before you find the one that works best. You can also combine multiple lures, either in the same color or different colors. This will give you a better chance of getting a strike, and it can be a lot of fun too!

At the end of the day, picking the right colors for a musky lure is a personal choice and you may have to experiment a bit to find that perfect combination. With a little research and experimenting, you’ll be able to identify which colors work best in clear water and have a successful day of fishing.

Fishing in Clear Water

When you are looking for the best lures for catching musky in clear water, you should first understand the rules and regulations that are in place to protect musky. It is important to know the size and creel limits that are set by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in the area in which you are fishing. This is to ensure that the musky population remains healthy and that the resources are not over-harvested.

Choosing the Right Bait

When fishing for musky in clear water, it is important to choose the right bait. Musky tend to feed on smaller fish, like yellow perch, walleye, and minnows. When selecting bait, keep in mind the size of the musky you are targeting. Smaller baits will be more effective for catching smaller musky, whereas larger baits may be better for catching larger musky. Also, consider the type of water you are fishing in. If you are fishing in a river, you may want to use a faster-moving bait like a crankbait. If you are fishing in a lake, a slower-moving bait like a jig or spinnerbait may be more effective.

Fishing Techniques for Clear Water

When fishing for musky in clear water, it is important to use the proper technique. Because musky live in shallow water and can easily be spooked, it is important to use a stealthy approach. Use a slow and steady retrieve and avoid making noise. It is also important to keep the line tight so that you can detect a strike quickly. Musky tend to hit hard and fast, so a quick reaction is necessary in order to set the hook.

Tips for Retrieving Lures

When retrieving your lures in clear water, it is important to vary your retrieves. Start off with a slow, steady retrieve and then switch to a faster, jerky retrieve. This will help to attract the attention of the musky. It is also important to keep the lure in contact with the bottom of the lake or river. This will ensure that the lure gets down to the depth where the musky are located. Lastly, make sure to use the appropriate size of lure for the size of musky you are targeting.

Selecting the Best Lures for Musky Fishing

Now that you understand the rules, regulations and techniques for musky fishing in clear water, it is time to select the best lures for catching musky. The most popular lures for musky are crankbaits, spinners, jerkbaits and spinnerbaits. Crankbaits are often the top choice since they can be retrieved quickly, making them ideal for shallow water. Spinners, jerkbaits and spinnerbaits are also effective, but they are better suited for deeper waters. For maximum success when fishing for musky in clear water, it is best to have a variety of sizes and styles of lures on hand.


Catching musky in clear water can be a rewarding experience. However, it is important to be aware of the rules, regulations, techniques and lures necessary for success. By following these simple tips, you will be better prepared when it comes to catching musky in clear water. With the right preparation and knowledge, you will be sure to increase your odds of a successful musky fishing trip.

Location Considerations

When choosing the best lures for catching musky in clear water, one of the most important location considerations is the weather and water visibility. Musky generally prefer clear, sunny days and calm water conditions. Low wind and bright days help maximize visibility and make it easier to spot musky in the water. Before heading out, it is important to check the local weather conditions to make sure it is optimal for musky fishing.

Fish Behavior

Another important location consideration when fishing for musky in clear water is fish behavior. Musky tend to feed more actively in shallow water located near points, weed beds, under docks, and other structures. Areas with greater underwater visibility means musky have a better opportunity to spot the lure from a farther distance. Look for areas where the water is shallow and the visibility is high.

Rigging and Presentation

When fishing for musky in clear water, proper rigging and presentation techniques are essential for success. Use a braided line with a leader of at least twenty pounds so that the musky can’t see it in the water. Lures should be chosen based on the depth, current speed, and visibility. Remember to use larger lures in clear water as they can be seen more easily by the fish and attract more attention.

Retrieve Technique

When fishing for musky in clear water, the retrieve technique is also important. Musky have excellent eyesight and can easily see a lure that does not move properly in the water. Use a variety of fast and slow retrieve techniques to make the lure appear as if it is a living creature. Vary the speed and movement of the lure to make it more attractive to the musky.

Depth and Structure

When fishing for musky in clear water, pay attention to the depth and structure of the water. Musky prefer shallow water with plenty of structure such as points, weed beds, and drop-offs. Choose lures that are best suited for the conditions and be sure to vary your presentation in order to get the most out of your fishing trip.

Presentation Tips

When it comes to catching musky in clear water, the type of lures you use can make all the difference. As such, it is important to choose the right lures for the job. When musky fishing in clear water, there are certain lures that will generally be more successful than others. Here are some of the best lures for catching musky in clear water:


Spinnerbaits are one of the most popular choices for catching musky in clear water. This is because the blade generates a strong vibration and the flash produces an attractive target for the musky. Spinnerbaits come in a variety of sizes and colors, making them very versatile. The best way to use them is by casting them near structure such as weeds and rocks.


Crankbaits are another great option for catching musky in clear water. They produce a loud, vibration-filled sound that musky can’t resist. The action of the crankbait is also attractive to musky, as they are lured in by the erratic movements. Crankbaits come in a variety of sizes and colors, and they can be easily fished around structure.

Topwater Lures

Topwater lures are great for musky fishing in clear water. The splashing noises they make can often elicit a strike from the musky. Topwater lures come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors, so it is important to choose one that is most effective in the body of water you are fishing. The best way to use topwater lures is to cast them near structure, such as logs and weeds.


Jerkbaits are also a great choice for catching musky in clear water. They are designed to mimic the action of a fleeing baitfish, which is often irresistible to musky. Jerkbaits come in a variety of sizes and colors, and they can be fished around structure. The best way to use jerkbaits is to cast them near structure, such as weeds or logs, and then jerking them back and forth.

Presentation Tips

Once you’ve chosen the right lure for the job, it’s important to present it properly. When fishing for musky in clear water, it is important to make a quiet approach. This will give the musky the chance to come up and investigate the lure without being spooked. Make sure to cast the lure in the direction of structure, as this will increase your chances of a strike. It is also important to make sure you keep the same retrieve speed and action, as this will help to keep the lure in the strike zone for as long as possible. Lastly, make sure to vary the speed and motion occasionally to keep the musky guessing.

By following these tips, you can drastically increase your chances of catching musky in clear water. With the right lures, presentation, and luck, you will be well on your way to a successful musky fishing adventure.


Muskies are powerful predators, known for their agility and strength. They inhabit a variety of freshwater habitats, but they’re especially fond of clear water. Clear water is defined as water with less than 5 feet of visibility. This water can be found in rivers, lakes, and ponds throughout the Northern United States and Canada. Clear water allows the muskie to use their vision to locate and target prey more easily than they could in murky water.

Choosing the Right Lures for Clear Water

When fishing for muskies in clear water, the right lures are essential. These fish are cunning predators, so using the right bait can make a big difference. Spinnerbaits, crankbaits, jerkbaits, and jigs are some of the most popular lures for muskies. Each of these lures can be customized by adding a variety of colors, designs, and sizes to create an optimal presentation for the muskies.

Tips for Catching Musky in Clear Water

When fishing for muskies in clear water, it’s important to remember that these fish are very easily spooked. Therefore, it’s important to use light tackle and to work quietly around the area. In addition, it’s best to target muskies in the early morning or late evening hours when the light is low and the fish are more active. Lastly, it’s important to use the right lures for the situation. Changing colors, sizes, and designs can make a world of difference when it comes to catching muskies in clear water.


Fishing for muskies in clear water can be a rewarding experience. To maximize your chances of success, it’s important to understand musky behavior and to use the right lures. Spinnerbaits, crankbaits, jerkbaits, and jigs are some of the best lures for clear water. Using light tackle and working quietly is also essential. With a little knowledge and practice, anglers can enjoy success when fishing for muskies in clear water.

Tips for Fishing Musky in Clear Water

When it comes to fishing musky in clear water, there are a few lures that usually take the top spots. Soft plastics and jigs are two of the most popular choices due to their ability to mimic most aquatic prey. When it comes to color, dark colors are often favored as they can blend in with the background of clear water and go unnoticed by the Musky. In addition to jigs and soft plastics, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, and plugs can also be used. Each of these different lures can be used effectively when trying to catch Musky in clear water as they are designed to attract this type of fish. With these lures, and a bit of patience, anglers can be sure to have a successful day on the water.

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